Previous Candidates
If you are a pro-choice, progressive Democrat running for—or considering running for—your state legislature and would like to receive the endorsement of The First Ask please contact
Our Electeds
Previous Candidates
Debra Shigley, HD-47
Susie Greenberg, HD-53
Michelle Kang, HD-99
Angela Girol, HD-39
Hadley Haas, HD-44
Mercedes Evans, HD-103
Megan Kocher, HD-119
Anna Thomas, HD-137
Donna Petercco, HD-140
Anna Payne, HD-142
Eleanor Breslin, HD-143
Jennifer Lee, HD-55
Laurel Jordan Swift, HD-121
Cecilia Castellano, HD-80
Stephanie Morales, HD-138
Merrie Fox, SD-25
West Virginia
Olivia Dowler, HD-02